Typed.js is a library that types. Enter in any string, and watch it type at the speed you've set, backspace what it's typed, and begin a new sentence for however many strings you've set.
Official DocumentationSetup
Please Note: we already added plugin CSS and JS file in
. you can exclude it by using gulp
task. you also can
add them manually if you want.
Set typed using data-typed-text="Your text separate by comma"
Brand is for |
Brand is for <span class="text-primary"
data-typed-text="Developer, Designer, SASS App, Agency"></span><span class="text-primary">|</span>
Settings option
You can also pass an optional settings object. below listed default settings
var typedTxt = $('[data-typed-text]').data('typed-text').split(',');
var typed = new Typed('[data-typed-text]', {
strings: typedTxt, // string need to type
typeSpeed: 80, // type speed in milliseconds
loop: true, // loop after last string is typed
backSpeed: 80, // backspacing speed in milliseconds
showCursor: false // show cursor